السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Transliteration: (assalamu 'aleykum warahmatu 'llahi wabarakatuhu)
Translation: '[May] Peace, mercy, and the blessings of God be upon you'

Location: 3707 West Hepburn St, Pinebluff, AR 71603

Contact information:

Local Realtor & Community Leader and Representative

Miloud Bahadi
(501) 516-4075

Masjid Office Phone Number

May or may not be available

Imam Not Available

Phone Number

Executive Committee

ICPB President

Br. Nijam Nowha
(203) 550-5399

ICPB Vice President

Br. Jamal Hamdi
(870) 718-2028

ICPB Secretary

Mohammad Bilal Malik
(870) 489-2918

ICPB Treasurer

Br. Muhammad Asadullah
(870) 877-7063

ICPB Dawah Secretary

Br. Islam Nimer
(205) 643-5306

Members At Large

ICPB Youth Representative

Br. Fazla Rabby
(870) 209-2355

ICPB Member

Br. Qasim Qureshi Sahibzada
(870) 550-6727

ICPB Tech Support

Fawad Khalid
(870) 623-0590